Write narrative essay
Scientific Research Paper Topics For High School Students
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Adopting a simple profit-maximising perspective ..... can have Essay
Embracing a straightforward benefit boosting point of view ..... can have positive effects for a firm ..... Talk about - Essay Example Entrepreneurs or the administration are considered to concentrate on boosting benefit in the short-run. Receiving straightforward benefit streamlining point of view can have positive outcomes on a firm. This examination will investigate this affirmation so as to look at the positive effects of benefit advancement. Thought will likewise be given to different perspectives that recommend different viewpoints that administrative choices ought to consider. In today’s showcase, advancement of benefits has increased a more extensive methodology including the thought of vulnerability of time and estimation of cash. This has added to the underlying methodology of firm hypothesis contending that the drawn out objective of a firm is to augment its worth. Estimation of a firm is esteemed as the current worth, which is given by the normal incomes. For effortlessness, the normal incomes are compared to benefit and the current worth is along these lines given as the estimation of the considerable number of benefits or the incomes, which is limited at the chose loan fee (Keown, 2003, p. 5). Limiting is done to join the vulnerability of time and estimation of cash later on. This examination will investigate the benefit advancement point of view and its positive effects, requirements looked by administrative choices in their interest to streamline benefits just as the best viewpoint that chiefs should hold in the administration of a firm. Benefit improvement is a short-run process that includes deciding of cost and yield levels that gives the most significant yields in type of benefit. As referenced by Hirschey (2008, p. 38), the degree of movement that amplifies benefit in a firm is given at where minimal income (MR) and the negligible cost (MC) are equivalent with the end goal that any further age of income results balances cost. A straightforward spotlight on benefit expansion infers that a firm is just centered around making benefits and the assets are used with the sole point of getting the most elevated level of benefits
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Digital Image Enhancement Methods for Multimedia Technology
Computerized Image Enhancement Methods for Multimedia Technology Section 1 1.1 Introduction In today’s correspondences systems, interactive media is a developing field. There are expanding requests on joining visual angle to different methods of interchanges. It is along these lines incapable to be maintained a strategic distance from to have circumstances wherein the video and transmitted pictures being debased or corrupted in their perceptual quality by assortment of ways. 1.2Digital Image Processing A picture is characterized as two-dimensional capacity, f(x,y), where x,y are plane directions and the abundancy of ‘f’ at any pair of directions (x,y) is known as the power or dim degree of the picture. At the point when x, y and the force estimations of f are for the most part limited and discrete amounts, we consider the picture an advanced picture. To handling the picture by methods for PC calculations is called as computerized picture preparing. When contrasted with simple picture preparing, advanced picture handling has numerous points of interest. It can stay away from issues, for example, signal twisting, picture corruption and develop of clamor during preparing. 1.2 Image Restoration and Enhancement Methods: Presently day’s computerized pictures have secured the total world. Pictures are procured by photograph electronic or photochemical strategies. The detecting gadgets will in general diminish a nature of the advanced pictures by presenting the clamor and obscure because of movement or misfocus of camera. One of the primary utilizations of advanced pictures was in the news paper industry, when pictures were sent by submarine link between New York and London. Presentation of link picture transmission framework in the mid 1920’s diminished the time required to move an image across Atlantic from over seven days to under three hours. A portion of the underlying issues in improving the visual nature of these early computerized pictures were identified with the determination of printing methods and appropriation of power levels. Advanced picture handling methods started in the late 1960s and mid 1970s to be utilized in clinical imaging, remote Earth assets perceptions and space science. Tomography was developed autonomously by Sir Godfrey N. Hounsfield and Professor Allan M.Cormack who shared the 1979 Nobel Prize in medication for their innovation. Be that as it may, X-beams were found in 1985 by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen. Geographers utilize the comparable strategy to examine the contamination designs from ethereal and satellite symbolism. Picture upgrade and reclamation techniques are utilized to process the corrupted pictures of unrecoverable items or trial results too costly to even think about duplicating. The utilization of a dark level change which changes a given observational conveyance capacity of dim level qualities in a picture into a uniform appropriation has been utilized as a picture improvement just as for a standardization technique.( I. Pitas) Picture upgrade alludes to expand the picture quality by honing certain picture highlights (edges, limits and complexity) and decreasing the clamor. Advanced picture upgrade and rebuilding are two dimensional channels. They are extensively arranged into straight computerized channels and non direct channels. Direct advanced channel can be structured or executed either spatial area or Frequency space. (K.S. Thyagarajan) In Spatial Domain strategies alludes to the picture plane itself .Image handling techniques, spatial area strategies depend on direct control of pixels in a picture. The power changes and spatial sifting are two head classes of spatial space techniques. In Frequency space strategies, first picture is changed to recurrence area. It implies that, the Fourier change of the picture is figured and played out all handling on the Fourier change of the picture. At last Inverse Fourier change is performed to get the resultant picture. (Rafael C.Gonzalez and Richard E.Woods) Picture Enhancement Techniques are Middle separating Neighborhood averaging Edge Detection Histogram methods In 1980, late work on c.c.d. scanners is audited and strong state scanners which remember for chip signal preparing capacities are portrayed. Future patterns are towards 'smart’ scanners; these are scanners with on-chip ongoing handling capacities, for example, simple to-advanced transformation, thresholding, information compaction, edge upgrade and other constant picture preparing capacities.( Chamberlain,1980) The picture improvement calculation first isolates a picture into its lows (low-pass sifted structure) and highs (high-pass separated structure) parts. The lows part at that point controls the adequacy of the highs segment to expand the neighborhood differentiate. The lows segment is then exposed to a non-linearity to alter the neighborhood luminance mean of the picture and is joined with the prepared highs part. The presentation of this calculation when applied to upgrade run of the mill undegraded pictures, pictures with enormous concealed territories, and furthermore pictures corrupted by overcast spread will be outlined by method of models. (Peli, T., 1981) Improvement calculations dependent on neighborhood medians and interquartile separations are more powerful than those utilizing means and standard deviations for the expulsion of spike clamor, protect edge sharpness better and present less ancient rarities around high complexity edges. They are not as quick as the mean-standard deviation counterparts however are appropriate for huge informational collections treated in little machines underway amounts.( Scollar,I.,1983) Separating CT pictures to evacuate commotion, and accordingly improve the sign to-clamor proportion in the pictures, is a troublesome procedure since CT clamor is of a wide band spatial-recurrence character, covering frequencies of enthusiasm for the signal.A estimation of the clamor power range of a CT scanner and some type of spatially variation sifting of CT pictures can be valuable if the separating procedure depends on the contrasts between the recurrence qualities of the clamor and the sign. For assessing the presentation, utilized a rate standard deviation, a record speaking to differentiate, a recurrence ghastly example, and a few CT pictures prepared with the channel. (Okada., 1985) A two-dimensional least-mean-square (TDLMS) versatile calculation dependent on the technique for steepest not too bad is proposed and applied to clamor decrease in pictures. The versatile property of the TDLMS calculation empowers the channel to have an improved following exhibition in nonstationary pictures. The outcomes introduced show that the TDLMS calculation can be utilized effectively to lessen commotion in pictures. The calculation multifaceted nature is 2(NÃâ€"N) duplications and a similar number of increments per picture test, where N is the parameter-lattice measurement. The calculation can be utilized in various two-dimensional applications, for example, picture improvement and picture information handling.( Hadhoud,M.M.,1988) Picture handling strategies are utilized to decide the range and arrangement of a land vehicle. The methodology taken is to set up a state vector of amounts got from a picture grouping, and to refine this over the mission. The picture preparing methods applied fall into the conventional classifications of upgrade, recognition, division, and order. Ways to deal with evaluating the arrangement and scope of a vehicle in computationally proficient manners are introduced. The appraisals of amounts extricated from single picture outlines are dependent upon blunders. This methodology encourages the coordination of results from various pictures, and from numerous sensor frameworks.( Atherton, T.J.,1990) The JPEG coder has demonstrated to be incredibly helpful in coding picture information. For low piece rate picture coding (0.75 piece or less per pixel), be that as it may, the square impact turns out to be irritating. The edges additionally show 'wave-like appearance. An upgrade calculation is proposed to improve the abstract nature of the remade pictures. To begin with, the pixels of the coded picture are grouped into three general classifications: (a) pixels having a place with semi consistent districts where the pixel force esteems shift gradually, (b) pixels having a place with predominant edge (DE) locales which are portrayed by not many sharp and prevailing edges and (c) pixels having a place with finished areas which are described by numerous little edges and flimsy line signals. A versatile blend of some notable spatial channels which utilizes the pixel marking data for its adjustment is utilized as the versatile ideal spatial channel for picture improvement. (Kundu, A.1995) The videotexts are low-goals and blended in with complex foundations; picture upgrade is a key to effective acknowledgment of the videotexts. Particularly in Hangul characters, a few consonants can't be recognized without modern picture upgrade procedures. In this examination, after numerous videotext outlines containing similar inscriptions are identified and the subtitle region in each casing is removed, five distinctive picture improvement methods are sequentially applied to the picture: multi-outline mix, goals upgrade, differentiate improvement, propelled binarization, and morphological smoothing tasks and tried the proposed strategies with the video inscription pictures containing both Hangul and English characters from different video sources, for example, film, news, sports, and so forth. The character acknowledgment results are incredibly improved by utilizing upgraded pictures in the test. (Sangshin Kwak.,2000). The utilization of a versatile picture upgrade framework that actualizes the human visual framework (HVS) has the properties for differentiate improvement of X-beam pictures. X-beam pictures are low quality and are typically deciphered outwardly. The HVS properties thought about are its versatile nature, multichannel component and high nonlinearity. This technique is versatile, nonlinear and multichannel, and consolidates versatile channels and homomorphic handling. The middle sifting strategy is a basic and productive approach to expel motivation commotion from computerized pictures. This epic technique has two phases. The main stage is to recognize the motivation commotion in the picture. In this stage, initial one recognize the clamor
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Find the Best College Paper Editor
How to Find the Best College Paper EditorThe college paper editor is not the sole expert in the field of editing, and without a little bit of information, he or she can't be considered capable of completing their duties properly. It's important to get the knowledge you need from the right sources so that you will be able to perform your duties properly. The following are some ways you can get the information you need. The knowledge is provided here for your convenience.One way of getting information on the college paper editor is by researching them online. In this way, you won't just get the facts but also see firsthand how the editor works. You can find what they do, what tools they use and also see samples of their work. You can also read about their work habits. This knowledge can come in handy, because these editors have a lot of responsibilities and should really be able to take their work seriously.Another way of getting knowledge on the college paper editor is by finding out about people who have been editing papers for a long time. Find out what they liked and disliked about working with different editors before they finally decided to hire someone they could depend on. They are probably going to be sharing this with you as well. So find out what to look for in a college paper editor who you're considering working with.A college paper editor who has enough experience can easily produce high quality work without a problem. However, a lot of people don't take the time to find out the qualities that make up an excellent editor. If you think you have all the necessary skills but you can't find anyone who can match what you have to offer, try to hire someone to edit your college paper. It's really a great alternative to having a new editor who will likely not know what they're doing.Besides asking around, there is also a chance you'll come across an editor for your college paper. This person may be a member of your staff or it may be someone else who knows a lot about editing. Either way, it is a good idea to ask what qualities they are looking for in an editor.When you get a list of qualities, ask about the student's opinions. You will be able to get your student to write a few lines on your project and give their opinion. It is important that you know what qualities they're looking for. They will be more than happy to tell you what they think.Make sure the editor you hire knows what types of assignments they are expected to cover. It is essential that you ensure the editor you choose is qualified. Only you and your college will know what they need to accomplish, so make sure you know what they are up against. The editor you hire should be someone who is well equipped to handle the job.College editing jobs are not all that hard to come by. They do require a certain amount of skill though, so the writer you hire should have the ability to write concisely. They should also be someone who will know what they're looking for so they will be able to give you the best work possible.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Cuban Missile Crisis The Bay Of Pigs Invasion
Proceeding to the Cuban Missile Crisis, American relationships with Castro were previously tense by the Bay of Pigs invasion (1961) where the United States made an unorthodox action towards Cuba by financing and sending insurgent Cubans to help aid in overthrowing and attacking Castro’s supporters and Castro himself0000000. The Bay of Pigs was unsuccessful. This eventual lead to Castro’s joining with communist Soviet Union and leaving Castro cautious of American plans for Cuba. Castro’s suspicions turned out to be true in 1962 when Castro’s intelligence had notice signs of U.S. actions connected to be Operation Mongoose, a new American attack. â€Å"It was under these circumstances that [Cuban officials] informed the Soviet Union that [they] were concerned about a direct invasion of Cuba by the United States and that [they] were thinking about how to step up [their] country’s ability to resist an attack†. Khrushchev retorted by bearing in mi nd the proposal of defending Cuba by â€Å"installing missile with nuclear warheads in Cuba without letting the United States find out until it was too late do anything about them.†Fidel Castro accepted the offer; Soviet Union thus began to install the nuclear missiles. The Crisis began in October 1962 when American had gotten some information about the nuclear missile the Soviet Union had placed in Cuba. Internationally, the Crisis started on October 22nd, 1962 when President John F. Kennedy publicized in a televised broadcast that the U.S. hadShow MoreRelatedHow Did The Bay Of Pigs Invasion And The Cuban Missile Crisis Affect The Cold War3334 Words  | 14 Pagesother countries empower today in their militaries. For this research paper the focus will primarily be on the United States, the Soviet Union, and Cuba. The aim of this paper is to answer the research question of â€Å"How did the Bay of Pigs Invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis affect the Cold War and the 3 m ajor countries that participated in the war†? Both positive and negative effects of the war will be discussed and researched and at the end, there will be a final understanding of what truly occurredRead MoreThe Revolution Of The Cuban Revolution1559 Words  | 7 PagesThe Cuban revolution was the spark that ignited the flame of communism in Cuba. The developing nation gained independence only as recently as 1898, and was already filled with an atmosphere of distrust and resentment towards the United States. In July of 1953, a revolution began in Cuba between the United States backed President Batista and Fidel Castro. Fidel and his brother Raul Castro lead a series of guerilla warfare battles against the forces of President Batista. â€Å"I am Fidel Castro and we haveRead MoreJohn F. Kennedy s Decision Making Process1186 Words  | 5 Pagesdue to his infallible leadership and decision making skills. For this reason, I would like to investigate the extent to which John F. Kennedy’s decision-making process changed from the Bay of Pigs Invasion to the Cuban Missile crisis during his presidency. I chose the Bay of Pigs Invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis because the first is an event in John. F. Kennedy’s presidency before he gained experience from this job and the latter is an event from after he was acquainted with the presidential roleRead MoreWhat was the cause of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis1495 Words  | 6 Pagesof the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis? The Cuban missile crisis is considered the closest time the world has ever come to nuclear war. There are many causes that led the world to such confrontation that was ultimately the product of the hostility and secrecy between the nations. As the world sat on the brink of mass destruction, all hope lied with Nikita Khrushchev and President Kennedy coming to a compromise. It is because of this that it is worth analysing the true cause of the crisis, or if it wasRead MoreCuban Missile Crisis : The End Of The World1647 Words  | 7 PagesTo most people, the Cuban missile crisis seemed like the start of an inevitable worldwide nuclear war. 1962 seemed like it was the end of the world for some, but somehow the United States was able to avoid a crisis evade an all out nuclear war with the U.S.S.R. The Cuban missile crisis can not be however, look at just in that timeframe. There are events including the Cuban Revolution that lead up to the United States losing their ties with Cuba. The Bay of Pigs invasion was an unsuccessful attemptRead MoreThe Bay Of Pigs And The Cuban Missile Crisis1516 Words  | 7 PagesThe Bay of Pigs invasion has come to be known as the perfect failure in American history. The invasion only lasted two days but the effects of the invasion lasted for decades. One of the most significant consequences of the Bay of Pigs was the thirteen day standoff between the Soviet Union and the United States over the installation of nuclear armed Soviet missiles on Cuba a year after the Bay of Pigs. The standoff, known as the Cuban Missile Crisis, is the closest the world has come to nuclearRead MoreThe Cuban Missile Crisis : The Cold War1081 Words  | 5 Pageseyeball to eyeball, and I think the other fellow just blinked. ~ Secretary of State Dean Rusk (LaFeber, p. 422). This prominent line was uttered after the Poltava (Soviet ship conveying IRBM missiles to Cuba) turned away from its intended destination, which marked the end of the sinister Cuban Missile Crisis (â€Å"Bos†, pgh. 2). The Cold War was a perpetual state of political animosity entailing the employment of propaganda, ultimatums, and other nonviolent means, which existed between the two universalRead MoreEssay about The Cuban Missile Crisis756 Words  | 4 PagesThe Cuban Missile Crisis Between 1959 and 1962 relations between USA and Cuba deteriorated. Up until 1959, America had kept General Batista in power over Cuba and had strong links, especially in trade. Castro’s ascent to power in 1959 triggered the short-term events contributing to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The main cause of the Cuban Missile Crisis was the cold relationship between the two great superpowers: America and Russia. This hadRead MoreFidel Castro And The Cuban Revolution943 Words  | 4 PagesThe infamous Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro was born on a farm on August 13,1926 and he is currently 89 years old. He was the third child out of six. His full name was Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz Fidel Castro. He was not born into a poor family, his father Angel happened to be a very wealthy sugar plantation owner. At the time Cuba’s economy was not thriving, but Castro still grew up in wealthy conditions. He went to a private boarding school to receive his education. There he became a star studentRead MoreThe Presidential Issues of the Sixties and Seventies778 Words  | 3 PagesStates. Kennedy was a young man with a vision and he wanted to forge a New Frontier for the American people. During Kennedy’s time as President there were many issues that arose, such as, the construction of the Berlin Wall, the Bay of Pigs Invasion, the Cub an Missile Crisis, the Civil Rights Act, and the war in Vietnam. These issues merely started in the early sixties and continued throughout parts of the seventies. Not only did these issues affect President Kennedy but they also affected President
Friday, May 15, 2020
Allentown Materials Corporation - 1159 Words
The analysis of the Allentown Materials Corporation case study reveals a number of issues mostly related to the untimely death of a respected leader, the subsequent change in leadership, and also the management style of the newly appointed upper-level managers. This paradigm shift in operational management strategy is one of the root causes of the conflict between departments, absence of teamwork, and low morale. Additionally, radical changes are required to bring Allentown Materials Corporation into a new era of manufacturing and ensure their continued success in the marketplace. The willingness to change is critical in a manufacturing organization where the means of maintaining a competitive advantage change frequently. (ReVelle)†¦show more content†¦We can also make comparisons between Six Sigma and the different Japanese methodologies and draw a number of conclusions... Six Sigma addresses half of the revolutionary change required for Allentown Materials Corporation to remain competitive in the ever-changing manufacturing marketplace. The second component of the change required involves giving the entire organization a shared vision for the future which plays strongly on the core competencies of the Allentown Materials Corporation. The strength of Allentown Materials Corporation lies with its research and development, and manufacturing divisions. Part of this change will come about as Six Sigma is adapted and implemented at the Allentown Materials Corporation. Employees at all levels of the organization will recognize the potential benefits and rewards including increased job security, new opportunities with the company, and better performance evaluations and pay increases. Additionally, employees will be aware that if the company is deriving benefits from Six Sigma these benefits will eventually trickle down to them. (CIT) All of the new re wards and incentives will lend themselves to a shared vision within the company. One aspect of particular importance of the Six Sigma methodology will be the effect of training and teamwork on the various divisions. When a sense of teamwork is lacking the employees have a tendency to focus on the productivity of their particular department or division and failShow MoreRelatedAllentown Materials Corporation1805 Words  | 8 PagesRunning Head: ALLENTOWN MATERIALS CORPORATION Allentown Materials Corporation: The electronic products division Marà a Alejandra Ferrer Southern States University 1 ALLENTOWN MATERIALS CORPORATION 2 Abstract In July, 1992 Don Rogers, the Vice President and General Manager of the Electronics Products Division (EPD) at Allentown Materials Corporation found himself on a very difficult position. Conflicts related to leadership and cultural organization were blocking his administrationRead MoreAllentown Materials Corporation: the Electronic Products Division955 Words  | 4 PagesAllentown Materials Corporation: The Electronic Products Division A) Main organizational causes of EDP’s performance problems 1) Analyze the main changes occurred in EDP’s environment and explain how they impacted EDP’s strategic priorities. Allentown Materials Corp is a company with more tan a century with a steady growth and high reputation in the market by the end of the 80’s. A great deal of its success is based on a strong technological capability in the invention and manufactureRead MoreThe Cross-Functional Conflict and Coordination Problems of the EPD Division of Allentown Materials Corporation1101 Words  | 5 PagesThe EPD division of Allentown Materials Corporation has serious problems in cross-functional conflict and coordination. 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Exercise At four weeks of age, femaleRead MoreAllentown (Epd) Case Analysis7182 Words  | 29 Pagesstrategizing in a dynamic market There is a lot of conflict between groups, morale is low, and there is lack of mutual confidence and trust Sales new product decisions are historically made at a high level due to the required investment from Allentown Sales force was comprised of both young and inexperienced staff and older, long-servicing sales people; sales force working closely with manufacture customers and secured sales by talking to purchasing agents and design engineers to obtain contracts Read MoreFracking Transportation And Modeling : A Literature Review3710 Words  | 15 Pagesof other modes of transportation could reduce the pressure on the trucking industry. 2.2 Increasing safety Concerns Transportation safety has been a concern nationwide. 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Theres one last factor thatRead MoreCobit Framework21120 Words  | 85 Pagesoffers technical and management conferences on five continents, as well as seminars worldwide to help professionals everywhere receive highquality continuing education. †¢ Its technical publishing area provides references and professional development materials to augment its distinguished selection of programmes and services. LATVIA LEBANON LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBURG MALAYSIA MALTA MALAWI MAURITIUS MEXICO NAMIBIA NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW GUINEA NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN PAKISTANRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words  | 820 Pagesaccurately reflect a broader focus and to incorporate a deeper discussion on each topical chapter, with new materials, features, topics, examples, and insights. The fifth edition identified trends, updated discussion of research and theories, and was greatly expanded to include many more examples of practice in modern libraries and information centers. The sixth edition updated and expanded the materials contained in the previous five editions and discussed new thoughts and techniques as well as reemphasizedRead MoreCOMM292 Case Studies23202 Words  | 93 Pagesengineering from Penn State. During his undergraduate years, Delery was a member of the Penn State soccer club and the team won the national championship when he was a sophomore. Before business school, Delery worked for Air and Product Chemicals in Allentown, Pennsylvania. He was hired into the competitive Engineering Career Development Program consisting of three one-year rotational assignments in varying locations and functional roles. Being single, Delery embraced the social life of the school community
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay On Working In The Workplace - 1385 Words
The case I am going to use was at the beginning of my working career. I had just started a new job at a wine bar, let’s call it Italiano’s. At this wine bar I was given the job of busser and bar back, about as low as you could get at the restaurant besides dishwasher. When I started this job I was a senior high school, which compared to my co-workers, was very young. Most of my co-workers were in their late twenties and thirties. Due to this age gap, I felt very immature and underpowered in the workplace. I felt like I had to follow everybody’s command because it was my first job and felt like I needed to be the perfect worker. There are two issues in this case that put pressure on me to act unethically or not speak up. First, at the†¦show more content†¦It got so bad that one employee had to be fired because they physically harmed another employee by shaking them with anger when they messed up. Due to the lack of supervision, many employees would take advantage of smoke breaks. Throughout the night employees would leave from time to time to go take smoke breaks. This is fine and common in the service industry as a way to relieve the stress of working on your feet for many hours of the day. Some employees would take 20-30 minute smoke breaks, which is way longer than any break should take. This affected me and the other servers that did not smoke because we had to make up for their missed work on top of the work we already had to do ourselves. The laziness and lack of care for the work they are doing led to a toxic work environment for everyone as well. When confronting one of the individuals, they told me to just pick up smoking so that I could also take long breaks throughout the night. That would temporarily fix my problem of unequal work but would not fix the restaurants problem of idle employees. These two issues put pressure on me to either join them by participating in the drinking and smoking or keep quiet by not telling my boss and let the toxicity continue. Analysis: To make a decision on how to proceed I need to make a pros and cons list of speaking up to my boss and a pros and cons list for staying quiet. The pros ofShow MoreRelatedThe Workplace of the Nineteen and Twentieth Century Were Drastically Different1508 Words  | 6 PagesThe workplace of the 19th and 20th century were drastically different. The goal of automation was replaced to achieve greater communication and cooperation (MacKenzie 1985). Today, the workplace is still changing. In this essay, I argue that the workplace has been affected by recent technological trends and these changes have made working conditions precarious and labour markets unstable. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Blacks A Struggle for Racial Equality Essay Example For Students
Blacks: A Struggle for Racial Equality Essay Blacks: A Struggle for Racial EqualityAlmost everyone would like to have racial equality in the world today. It is often said that all people have been created equally.That is true,however sometimes not everybody is treated equally. In society, blacks arestill struggling for racial equality. We should note that in the 19401, blacks were not considered equal tothe whites. We see this in The Power of One . Blacks could not socialize withwhites. P.K. a young boxer asks the manager at the gym how he gets away withmixing blacks and whites. The manager says that outside the ring a black man isnot equal, inside he is but not in public, only in private. This clearlydemonstrates how blacks were not treated equally to whites in the 1940s. We also see this in society today. We are able to see how blacks arelooked upon when we examine a quote from The Runner , a novel by Cynthia Voigt. If theres one thing I cant tolerate Pete agreed its an uppity nigger.2 Wecan see that Bullet, a cross country runner is talking to a team-mate named Pete. It is indisputable that Pete has some antagonism towards blacks. He treatsthem with very little respect and uses the racist term nigger. This helps tojustify that blacks are treated with considerably less appreciation than otherraces of people. Let us also look at the fact that blacks are often socially outcastedbecause of their race. We see this in The Runner. Youre telling me you wontwork with him because hes a negro? Thats right.3 As we can see the aboveexert clearly shows how the black person was outcasted. Bullets coach askedhim to train with another person on the team but Bullet refused to train withhim because he is black. Another quote that shows how blacks are still in a struggle for racialequality is in short commentary, A Fair World for All by Dorothy CanfieldFisher:Suppose that you are in a market or food shop buyingthings to eat. Everybody is relaxed and easy, standingaround waiting for his turn to buy. All of a sudden a bigsnake crawls along the beam of the roof and drops downamongst the shoppers. You dont need anybody to tellyou how most of the crowd will scream and rush for thedoor4This was a perfect analogy used by the author to explain racial inequality. Ifthe snake was black, nobody would scream or run out but we can easily get themessage how we are sometimes narrow-minded towards people of other races. We are clearly able to see that blacks are still struggling for racialequality if we examine an exert from an article that compares blacks salariesto those of whites. Blacks-regardless of their academic credential or skills earn substantially less than their white counterparts. For each dollar earned by a white working fulltime,Asians made 82 cents, blacks averaged 74 cents5As we can see, the above quote clearly shows that blacks are still in thestruggle for racial equality. These statistics were put from a survey based on1989 wages and salaries. This helps to prove that blacks still have to strivefor equality. Therefore, in society blacks are still struggling for racial equality. In the 1940s, blacks were not considered equal. If we examine the generalpublic today, they have not made enough progress, they are sometimes sociallyoutcasts and they are also paid less that whites and Asians. If we all worktogether, we can put an end to the discrimination that exists today. .u1579c3ef27f19505f78a0cea4ee9f083 , .u1579c3ef27f19505f78a0cea4ee9f083 .postImageUrl , .u1579c3ef27f19505f78a0cea4ee9f083 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1579c3ef27f19505f78a0cea4ee9f083 , .u1579c3ef27f19505f78a0cea4ee9f083:hover , .u1579c3ef27f19505f78a0cea4ee9f083:visited , .u1579c3ef27f19505f78a0cea4ee9f083:active { border:0!important; } .u1579c3ef27f19505f78a0cea4ee9f083 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1579c3ef27f19505f78a0cea4ee9f083 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1579c3ef27f19505f78a0cea4ee9f083:active , .u1579c3ef27f19505f78a0cea4ee9f083:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1579c3ef27f19505f78a0cea4ee9f083 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1579c3ef27f19505f78a0cea4ee9f083 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1579c3ef27f19505f78a0cea4ee9f083 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1579c3ef27f19505f78a0cea4ee9f083 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1579c3ef27f19505f78a0cea4ee9f083:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1579c3ef27f19505f78a0cea4ee9f083 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1579c3ef27f19505f78a0cea4ee9f083 .u1579c3ef27f19505f78a0cea4ee9f083-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1579c3ef27f19505f78a0cea4ee9f083:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: We Learn About Ancient Civilizations Through Literature, Artifacts, An EssayENDNOTES1. The Power of One. Directed by Arnon Milchan, movie, colour. Screenplay byRobert Mark Kamen. 2. Cynthia, Voigt, The Runner (New York: Ballantine Books, 1985), p.573. Voigt.p.934. A Fair World for All in Colliers Junior Classics: Harvest of Holidays, ed. Ruth Weeden Stewart (New York: The Crowell Collier publishing company, 1962),p.278. 5. Author is anonymous, Blacks get Smaller Salary Payoff for Education,Califonia Study Reveals Jet, Feb. 1, 1993, p.29.
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